Lesson Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1 – Identify different types of misunderstandings (e.g., lexical, cultural, pragmatic) in casual conversations and apply clarification and confirmation strategies to resolve them.
2 – Use polite language forms and expressions (e.g., softening disagreements, making apologies, and requesting clarification) to maintain the flow of conversation and navigate conflicts effectively.
3 – Develop fluency and confidence in conversational repair techniques, including paraphrasing, asking for repetition, and providing clarifications, ensuring smooth communication.
4 – Apply active listening skills to recognize potential misunderstandings early and respond appropriately, preventing breakdowns in communication.
5 – Demonstrate pragmatic competence by recognizing cultural or contextual differences that may lead to misunderstandings and resolving them using culturally appropriate strategies.

CLB Standards Alignment
Comprehending Information (CLB 6): Understand moderately complex communication on familiar topics, including specific factual details, implied meanings, and speaker intent.
Comprehending Instructions (CLB 6): Understand moderately complex instructions and directions, including detailed questions and information that may involve steps or conditions.
Interacting with Others (CLB 6): Participate in conversations on familiar topics, using appropriate language for requesting, suggesting, and responding. Handle interruptions, correct misunderstandings, and confirm comprehension.
Giving Instructions and Information (CLB 6): Provide detailed information and instructions, using clear and appropriate vocabulary. Rephrase or clarify when misunderstandings occur.
Getting Things Done (CLB 6): Make requests, suggestions, and respond to them in a polite and culturally appropriate manner. Manage conflict and disagreement, maintaining conversation flow.
Pragmatic Competence:
Social Interaction (CLB 6) Use tone, register, and level of politeness suitable for familiar social interactions. Adjust language and behavior based on the conversational context and cultural norms.

Not Enrolled

Lesson Includes

  • 5 Topics
  • 1 Task
  • 2 Practices
  • Lesson Certificate